Tag Archives: Rollins

Rollins College

Andrew was tired of hearing all of the stories of Stacey’s glory day’s at Rollin College and said “Mommy, I want to go to you college” So we got the experience of seeing “the Harvard of the South” as I hear quite frequently… never heard that about SIU… so maybe it is a better place.


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I quickly figure out is was not a “real” school as we walked about the picture perfect down town and had lunch at Panera Bread and stopped into Williams Sonoma to get some Peppermint Bark. Where are the bars I kept asking myself? Maybe this would be a good place for Andrew to go to school I thought. As we walked around I think…small liberal arts college, there must be lots of hot chicks and Andrew would have a target rich environment. We got to stick around between class changes and I did not see a single one, maybe they were hiding. I am going to have to consult another other recent grads… but he went to school at night for an MBA.
Andrew and Stacey at Rollins
So Andrew’s school choice still are Harvard, MIT and Notre Dame. He better get good grades and I better start saving more.