Tag Archives: custom cabinets

Masterbath remodel

Christmas is not Christmas with out a project at the Noland’s house.  This year I finally gave in to the urge to redo the master bath.  The sighs from Stacey started right away as she said “I am going to be with out a bathroom for how long?”  since it was over the holidays it is a bit easier since there is no getting ready for work… just ready for shopping.

I should have take a few “before” pictures as one of my colleagues Matt does when he remodel’s so show the difference…. But hey I wanted to get in and get started as I only have 2 weeks to get this bad boy completed.

So what is on the plan you ask?

  • Remove wall paper and new paint
  • Rip out shower
  • New multi head shower with larger pan (tile bottom)
  • New Tile floor with boarder
  • Custom cabinets & new counter tops

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Did I mention this is all going to be done by Noland Custom Solutions.  Cabinets and all…hope they turn out acceptable or Stacey will be a bit aggravated.

Here are a few pictures of the work in process

My Dad and I trying to get the shower tile to line up… come on did you think I would pick and easy pattern

The Completed shower tile

The bottom custom cabinets installed (no drawer faces yet)

So… project started on December 19th and was supposed to finish on January 4th, I was so close.  The counter tops go in on the 9th (later today) and the shower glass gets install on the 16th.  I have to say the majority of my work will be done of the 11th, as I tell Stacey I have little future in a job as an estimator… guess as a sales guy I am always optimistic.

More to come later
